With EMC World 2010 just around the corner, there's an unmistakable excitement in the air across our campuses. Folks are working feverishly to wrap up their presentations, finalize demos and polish off some really cool technology - all to ensure attendees have a rewarding and memorable experience.
We have much in store this year, but I wanted to take a few minutes to review some of the basics, and also share a couple of cool things taking place.
Standard conference advice applies here...
Wear comfy shoes. The Boston Convention Center is big, and each night filled with piles of opportunities to get out there, explore Boston, and network with peers. Comfort is key here - so take care of those piggies.
Weather in Boston in May can be sporadic. Average temps range from 50 to almost 70. Bring a light jacket and perhaps prepare for the occasional shower. Hopefully we won't see the return of the monsoon from the Orlando event.
Beat the crowds... Conference badges and materials are available on Sunday evening from 6 - 8:30. Avoid the Monday morning rush by picking up your stuff early. Then head over to party with the Counting Crows.
Now for some fun stuff...
The Bloggers Lounge will be in full swing. We've had a great response this year and I'm looking forward to meeting new friends, connecting with old, and having some great discussions in the lounge. If you're a blogger and will be at EMC World, it's not too late to sign up.
We've got some neat surprises in store this year at the lounge... Will share more next week, but think live broadcasts to the world, mingling with your favorite EMC personalities, and yes - the espressos are back.
If you've already signed up for the lounge - you're all set. All you have to do is come by (we'll be in the exhibition hall) and we'll have your Lounge access pass ready for you... Can't wait to see you there!
I'm particularly excited for this little campaign we're trying out... Spots4Bots.
EMC is highly involved in the community. One program I'm particularly fond of is a partnership with VEX Robotics. Working with the great folks at VEX, we provide robotics kits to school systems to give kids an opportunity to build their very own robot. Many of these schools end up participating in competitions - and we've had some national champions through the program.
Now I should point out that these are not small nor simple kits... Check out the video below to give you a sense of the complex challenges teams have to solve with their robots.
This year, we're partnering with our Community Involvement team to donate one of these kits to a school system for every 500 or so FourSquare checkins during EMC World. I'm excited to see how it goes and really happy to have an opportunity to do something for a good cause here. So - download FourSquare and let us know where you are during the event.. These kids will appreciate it.
Lastly, I'd encourage you to connect with us through the social channels to ensure you take advantage of everything that takes place. EMC World is on Twitter, and will be providing real time updates around what's happening at any given time. It's also a good way for you to communicate with us during the event. The EMC World Facebook Page is another spot to get real time tips and updates to help you get the most of your visit.
EMC Corp is another solid Tweep to follow. These folks will be pushing the latest news and information as it breaks from the show floor. We'll also be providing a news room on EMC.com to keep you abreast with all of the EMC World goodness.. Stay tuned for that.
As usual, the hashtag for the event will be #EMCWorld. Please tag your stuff accordingly so we can keep tabs on the conversations.
That's it for now. More next week - and I can't wait to see you folks in Boston!